It is necessary to define the word talent, because everyone understands in their own way. In my understanding, talent is a distinctive quality of a person with a high assessment of his activities, relative to other qualities in the work. 
Talent can and should be developed in any direction, but correlating with the desire for activity. True talent manifests itself with true desire. A lot of work, mistakes and experiments, with a share of criticism, a lot of perseverance and the desire to do better than it was and form the so-called talent.

Talent from birth
It is a mistake to believe that a person is born with developed abilities. The essence of man is arranged in such a way that he needs to believe in something higher, so looking at their abilities, I want to believe that he would not have achieved such a result and, as they say:"not given."
However, talented people did not think about it. They did, worked, got frustrated and kept working. By coincidence, they began to be called talented, as they achieved high results and admiration from the outside, recognition.
The child may develop more in one direction and less in the other. People are different, with different skin, capillaries, DNA, so here, neurons work better to some extent than in another. However, a child can not be talented, because he does not have knowledge and experience, but with respect to other children, he can be called talented, or at least so it is accepted.
How to develop talent?

Talent is a set of knowledge and practice in a particular sphere of human activity, which has the highest degree of evaluation of the environment.
I would like to note that it is not talent that needs to be developed, but abilities, knowledge and a lot of practice. Applicable to any field of activity, whether artistic, creative or business. Talent is more inclined to creativity, creativity, new with a high degree of professionalism.
For talent development it is necessary: knowledge and practice.

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