Drawing. Two people ask forgiveness from the Lord of hell.
The drawing is made with oil paints and varnish. First drew the outline and began to enter the color. To do the outlines and to paint the white areas.
I drew a big head because the dragon is big. Next to two people, pointing at each other. They complain and sort things out. The dragon listens attentively. The dragon is the judge, he decides on the punishment.
I painted over all the white areas. Eyes left on the most the latest moment. A lot of work and did not want to spoil. The eyes should be expressive. It is impossible to allow excess paint.
I started painting over my mouth and teeth, drawing my tongue. Next I will add a darker color.
I amplified the color. Full-bodied mouth.
I took a thin brush and for a long time drew eyes, hands and body. Oil paints are not a graphics tablet. Fine work.
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